Chief Rabbis & President of Israel Contribute their Letters to the Kiev Sefer Torah
Rabbi Markovich, the Chabad emissary in Kiev, commissioned a special mid-sized Alter Rebbe ksav Sefer Torah in honor of the Jewish community in Kie...
Read moreMention this ad to receive discount. Offer limited to customers who’ve never checked tefillin before at Machon Stam. Offer valid until ג תמוז תשפ...
Read moreThis past Sunday כ''ז ניסן, the Cousin family came together to celebrate their parents' 60th anniversary with a Siyum Sefer Torah, dedicating the e...
Read moreThe mitzva of tefillin is Biblical and we are commanded to put on tefillin every weekday. Tefillin are two boxes made of animal hide. Inside is par...
Read moreThe parchment of a mezuza contains the parshiyos of “Shema Yisrael” and “V'Haya Im Shamo'a” written on the skin of an animal by a sofer Sta'M. The ...
Read moreA Sefer Torah consists of sheets of parchment on which the entire Torah (Five Books) are written, from Bereishis (Genesis) to the end of Devarim (D...
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